Brava Weekly Hub
Every Monday 2-3pm ONLINE
You are invited to the ONLINE Brava Weekly Hub
All business women invited
Event is held weekly and you will receive a confirmation email with the zoom link - please save this to your Calendar
Welcome to the BWIB weekly Hub!
A weekly hour for businesswomen to connect , share and check in ...
Weekly on zoom
Monday 2pm-3pm AEDT
You can come to all or come to one or come every second week it is totally up to you ...
Annual membership: $599
please note : NO DOOR SALES
Brava Weekly Hub - online
Please meet #BWIBWeeklyHUB
✅ A place where we can connect weekly and share our stories, wins and learn from each other all bundled in a power hour each Monday afternoon 2pm-3pm AEDT
I am pleased with how this is shaping up to be...
✅How I see this is that you are welcome to attend every week, or you may prefer every second week, or once a month or whenever you can.
✅ I see you adding this as a recurring event in your calendar with the zoom link and if you are free you jump in ... if a client has urgent request you tend to the client...
it truly is that simple!!!