What’s one thing that really helped you in your business this past month?
Brava Women networking Weekly hub
Our Monday afternoons at Brava Women Neworking are a brilliant way to start the week...
Our #QOTD gets our conversions started... and we really don't know where they lead...
We have amazing small breakout room discussions with incredible businesswomen that hold space for each other ..
You know the saying "The right people are in the right place for the right reasons" - it's what I think each and every week we have a Monday meet up on zoom...
❓ This week we discussed
➡️ What’s one thing that really helped you in your business this past month? Could be a strategy, a tool, a person, a podcast, a mentor...
✅ What’s been working well for you, and why?
❌ What’s not been working well for you and why?
➡️ Working
Networking has been working
Client referrals
Theme around slowing down and taking time to review and reflect and focus - physician heal ourselves
Apply what we share to others for us to do us ourselves
Redefined focus of business -niched down
Communication and interact with clients partners
Charity organisations - emails - bounced
Finding that sweet spot - what people are willing to offer a charity - adapting to see that when it's not always a dollar donation
Daughter in Sydney helps with marketing
Website - lots of money and
➡️ Not working
Social media platforms - not working as well - trial and error
Let go of - unnecessary distractions
Community work
Networking activities not filling her cup
Social media releasing
Not finding staff
Website not working
What do you think of our list?
Did you receive something different - we would love to hear it - please share below ...
📌 Again a great discussion in small break out rooms - if this is something that you think you would like in our conversational networking then look for the information in the link below ⬇️
Once again a great discussion and if you would like to join us for a complimentary for one Monday 2pm -3pm AEDT please contact me