What do you hope your business to be doing 10 years from now?
💥 Yesterday at BWIB Women Neworking weekly hub we had another great discussion
Our QOTD was
❓ What do you hope your business to be doing 10 years from now?
Sub question:
❓ Is it even possible to think that far ?
In an ideal world let’s say yes.
So of the responses were:
✅ have a team of coaches and freeing up owner for quality speaking gigs and free time up for travelling and speaking overseas ✅ be fit and healthy to still train some people but again a team to do the bulk of the work and allow owner to host more retreats ✅ have systems and processes in place to allow time freedom to enjoy next stage in personal life ✅ one of our younger members wants business to be brining in enough to be in her own home possibly starting a family ✅ digital nomad life with hubby ✅ travel overseas for part of year and work from there ✅ Phd ✅ leave a legacy
Once again a great discussion and if you would like to join us for a complimentary for one Monday 2pm -3pm AEST please contact me